SENS PD pressure sensor
Excessive pressure, negative pressure, pressure differential measurement.


Upper level limits as per GOST 22520-85 (for excessive pressure converters) from 100 kPa to 63 MPa
Upper level limits as per GOST 22520-85 (for excessive pressure and rarefaction converters)from 150 kPa to 2.4 MPa (for excessive pressure); 100 kPa (for vacuum)
Limits of acceptable accuracy for measurements (γ0) expressed in measurement range percentage±0.15; ±0.2; ±0.25; ±0.4; ±0.5
Materials contacting the mediumsteel 12Cr18Ni10Ti (EN 1.4541), titanium alloy VT9
Measurement results dampening period, sfrom 0.25 to 32 (adjustable)
Temperature range of operational medium, ℃from -60 to +130
Климатическое исполнение по ГОСТ 15150
Temperature for operation, storage and transportation, ℃from -50 to +60
Water and dust ingress protection degree as per IEC 60529IP66
Explosion protection marking1Ex d IIB T5 Gb
Mean time between failures, hours, not less100 000
Gross / net weight, kg, not more than2.5
Service life, years12
Acceptable power supply voltage (DC), Vfrom 4 to 15 (SENS); from 5 to 50 (RS-485); from 9 to 42 (4-20 mA)
Power consumption, W, not more than0.05 (SENS); 0.4 (RS-485); 1 (4-20 mA)
Interfaces (protocols)SENS (SENS protocol),
RS-485 (SENS protocol, Modbus RTU),
4-20 mA (HART protocol)