Signaling devices MS-K-500, VS-K-500
Components of «SENS» measurement system providing following functions:
- displaying of values of measured and monitored parameters
- configuration (calibration, programming) of «SENS» devices (sensors and secondary devices)
- signaling (indication) of reaching of threshold values of parameters
- “reset” of signaling - by pressing of button (deactivation of own signal and other signaling devices, including VS-5)
- check of control and signaling functions by activation of “emulation” mode for sensors
- continuous diagnostics of sensors (with error code display)
- viewing“of hidden” parameters (control and calibration parameters of sensors)
- diagnostics and other secondary devices
Operation principle
Displaying. Signaling devices can have single- or double-row LED display. Signaling device with single-line display shows information by cyclic indication of sensor’s address, parameter designation and its value. Signaling devices can also have three-row OLED display.
Control. Two buttons are used: “Address” - sensor selection; “Parameter” - selection of parameter. In configuration mode: short pressing - “menu scrolling”, long pressing- “modify menu item”.
Operation modes. Main operation modes of signaling devices are shown in figure.